LEADERS KEEP GIVING 2022-11-28T00:40:54-05:00


I hope that all readers of this newsletter enjoyed a happy and fulfilling Thanksgiving. At a minimum, I hope you benefited from some days off from work, and some introspection and reflection.

Last week I wrote about all the people we can give things to who helped us along our own leadership journeys. We all have so many people to thank, and without whom we would not have achieved the leadership positions we hold today.

Now I’d like to reflect on the second part of the holiday words: giving. As leaders, it is critical that we give of ourselves at all times. That is the essence of what Robert Greenleaf called Servant Leadership.

As we continue to reflect upon this annual holiday, I encourage you to think about those things you are giving to your teammates, and how well you are giving to them. As leaders, it is important that we give many things:

-our time
-our energy
-our effort
-our knowledge
-our interpersonal skills
-our communication skills
-our listening
-our coaching and mentoring
-our discipline
-our experience and wisdom
-our empathy and compassion

Most importantly, we can give our teammates our love. We can see them not just as employees, but as unique human beings, with strengths and frailties, with hopes and dreams, and a search for meaning and fulfillment.

I encourage you to think mindfully about how you are giving to your teammates today.

What and how could you give even more?

To whom could you give more?

And don’t forget to continue giving to yourself because self-care is a critical part of leadership.

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