Clients Say 2024-08-08T02:25:40-04:00

My time working with Larry has been among the most impactful time that I’ve spent developing as a professional.  Our conversations simultaneously made my mind explode with new ideas and grounded me in practical realities of what I could accomplish with what I already have.  His ability to help me see the unseen, right before my eyes is a skill that I admire tremendously because human nature is such that we often forget or overlook those things right before us.  He stresses the fundamental importance of relationships in our world and the deep and meaningful impact that can be made by people who care.  I recommend Larry to anyone who is looking to make the next step in their career or grow as a leader of human beings (regardless of title or organizational structure).

Korey Henson, Stetson Law School

Transformative and inspiring!  Larry got to the heart of my questions in a short time even though we had not spoken before. He is affirming and thoughtful in guiding the conversation which allows you to make your own discoveries.  He is beautifully adept at making sure that you have doable actionable items which is so empowering.  At the end of the conversation, I felt capable of achieving my goals.

Akua Akyea, Assistant Dean for Public Service Cornell Law School

Larry is a master at quickly getting to the root of what needs addressed in order to help you grow as a professional. His nurturing and uplifting demeanor is evident from the start, and you will leave the coaching sessions feeling empowered and inspired to lead from the heart. His lessons will resonate so that in times of actual conflict the tools will be there to address the issue head-on and with a clear idea of steps needed to achieve the best resolution. You will not regret choosing Larry as your coach. Your only regret: you will wish you had spoken with Larry sooner in your career.

Mary Beth S. Moore, Assistant Dean of Career Development Case Western Reserve University School of Law

Larry brings deep experience and innate empathy to every coaching session. I felt heard and affirmed from the moment I opened my mouth. He challenged me to answer essential questions and work outside my comfort zone to make a plan which will affect my professional and personal trajectory for decades to come. Thanks to Larry’s skillful coaching, I am energized to tap into my strengths and believe even more fully in myself.

Elizabeth K. Peck, Assistant Dean for Judicial Engagement and Professional Development Cornell Law School

In the course of my first hour talking with Larry, it was clear that he has perfected the most important skill for any coach – being a good listener. Larry provided a multitude of insights that were helpful, practical, and that clearly demonstrated a deep understanding of my situation. He also helped me think critically about my core beliefs and ideas and how I can manifest them appropriately as a leader. Within a few days of our initial conversation, the value of our interaction was made clear as I was able to effectively apply the advice and guidance that came out of our coaching sessions to a critical conversation. I can tell that the coaching I received will serve me well long into the future.

Megan K. Moore, J.D., Co-Executive Director & Director of Programs

Leadership coaching with Larry was more like a conversation with a dear friend. After just one hour of honest, raw and quick fire coaching, I left feeling energized and ready to implement these strategies immediately with my team and in my workflow. He not only focuses on your specific needs, but also takes the time to understand who you are, recognize your strengths and how to bring the best out of his clients. I look forward to our next conversation!

Jennifer Vossler, Director of Education & Professional Development, Tennessee Bar Association

It was great to be coached by Larry. He knows the questions to ask and he listens intently, ensuring that the coaching encounters are beneficial and productive. Larry made me feel comfortable and dazzled me with great insight, feedback and guidance that assisted me in walking away from our sessions having new perspective on the challenges in front of me.

Michelle E. West, Director, Institute of CLE, State Bar of Georgia

I really enjoyed my leadership coaching! Larry offered advice and guidance that was very practical, achievable, and measurable. I am especially impressed with the depth of his knowledge. Much of what we discussed I had not heard before.

Monica Mosley, Senior CLE Specialist, Eversheds-Sutherland, LLP

Larry is a very helpful coach. We discussed dealing with a negative employee and he helped me reframe my outlook. I was able to flip my paradigm to view this as a great opportunity for me to model good leadership skills for my team and see the situation differently. Larry, thank you for the coaching. You offered me several different ways to move forward with my teammate and not make her negativity my own.

Holly Garland Langworthy, Director of Publications, Minnesota CLE

Larry’s coaching was very helpful and gave me insights that will be very helpful and useful in leadership meetings, decision making, and communication.

Lazette Jackson, Director of Professional Education, ALM

I have had the privilege of growing under Larry Center’s leadership coaching for the past several years.
Simply put: Larry’s coaching changed my life. I am a more effective leader, better friend, and better person for having worked with him.
He has demonstrated the utmost courtesy, professionalism, and dedication to his craft. I aspire to follow his example in how I show up for others on a daily basis.
If you ever have a chance to work with Larry, seize it. It will be one of the best decisions you’ll ever make.

It is my sincere pleasure to offer an endorsement of Larry Center’s Leadership Coaching program.
I was fortunate to be selected for his program when it became available to faculty and staff at Georgetown Law in 2016.
For six months, I met with Larry on a biweekly basis. These coaching sessions enhanced my self awareness and helped me bring greater efficiency, motivation and satisfaction to my work at Georgetown Law.

Very few can combine one’s knowledge with one’s wisdom.  Even fewer are those who can share their knowledge and their experienced wisdom.  Those are truly teachers and prophets!  My experience with Larry Center is as a teacher and a prophet!  His ability to provide leadership coaching is practical in its teachings and deep in its experiences.  Larry recognizes and honors my uniqueness and the circumstances I face.  His approach comes from many years as an educator in the Jesuit and Ignatian tradition of caring for the uniqueness of the whole person, cura personalis.  Larry empowers me to explore and examine all aspects of any situation.  As a teacher of “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People,” he journeys with me as he coaches to discover the innate awareness that the answer is within me, and how the tools of the “Seven Habits” can bring mutually positive outcomes for all.

Leadership is the most humbling form of service.  Larry showed me through his own experiences how true this is.  He took the time needed to not just look at the outward dynamics of the situation considering all the circumstances involved, but to regard and honor my own inwards processes; this is where knowledge becomes wisdom, and where  true professional and personal growth occur!  My time experience with  Larry Center has fostered my growth as a leader and as a person.  I highly recommend Larry Center as a coach.

Deacon Thomas Devaney, Director of Mission and Pastoral Care, Medstar Georgetown University Law Center

Your coaching has changed my life for the better in so many ways… you have helped me immeasurably in every single one of the areas I originally identified.
Each and every coaching session with you has been eye-opening, productive and grounding.
I have left your office every time with concrete new insights and strategies that I can try to put to use.
With your help, I’ve seen my work relationships improve, a team mentality take root in my department, and I’ve gained insight into my own patterns of behavior…
You are the rare person who embodies the advice you give, who models what it means to be a leader. You inspire trust and respect, you have made me feel valued and understood, and you set an example through your words and actions…
I have always felt you were 100% present in our conversations, I have always known you were truly listening. I am so fortunate to have had the opportunity to learn from you.

Rachel Taylor, Managing Director, Ideas42

Your wise counsel and coaching has helped me to become a better person…Your sympathetic ear helped me to maintain my morale and my sanity…
my sincerest thanks for everything you’ve given me over the years.

Chris Hammer, Director, Special Events, Georgetown University Law Center

This coaching experience has been way more than I ever could have imagined it to be.
With your encouragement and support, I have navigated the murky waters of professional and personal relationships with a confidence I never would have had otherwise.
Your coaching has helped me overcome my weaknesses and has taught me that I should appreciate and embrace my strengths.
I honestly don’t know if I would have achieved the success that I’ve had during this last year without you always standing behind me and believing in me and what I could accomplish.

Amy Jones Mattock, Senior Director, Office of Career Strategy, The Georgetown University Law Center

I have learned a lot, I have been encouraged and shown new avenues of possibility that I can pursue at the Law Center, and in so doing I have met some other great people. I cannot begin to thank you for that gift…
I have also found a great deal of reassurance and solace in your kindness and your generosity of spirit.
Your example of good humor and positivity goes a long way toward reassuring me that such qualities not only still exist, but continue to have power and can eventually prevail.

Jill Smith, Instructional Technology Librarian

You single-handedly helped shape my Georgetown Law experience and facilitated my professional and personal growth in ways that I could not have imagined.
I am a better person because of you and for that I will be eternally grateful.

Kia Scipio, Director of Diversity and Inclusion