Workshops 2023-01-11T01:51:44-05:00

During the past two decades I have delivered presentations and led workshops on these subjects, all designed to increase leadership awareness and improve leadership skills:

Coaching Skills for Leaders

The best leaders are also coaches, but coaching skills do not come naturally to most leaders, regardless of their experience or knowledge. Leaders must develop coaching skills over time, honing their skills with tremendous humility and integrity. Leaders who serve as exemplary coaches start by focusing on their own character and then create high-trust relationships with their teammates. This workshop will help set you on the road to serving as an influential leader-coach who can transform the lives of the people you lead.

Creating Your Personal Development Plan

Too many people allow their professional paths to merely emerge rather than taking charge and carving out their paths themselves. In this session, you will identify those attributes needed to craft the plan, assess the necessary paradigm to possess, examine the importance of personal goals, and learn to make time for your highest priorities. You will develop techniques for achieving the balance that allows you to achieve your goals.

Cultural Competency: Embracing and Respecting Diversity

Diversity takes many forms. Ethnic and cultural diversity are only two of many diverse attributes which must be cultivated in the workplace. Competent leaders realize that embracing diversity leads to a more engaged workforce, better decision making, and more satisfied customers. Talking about the importance of diversity is insufficient; leaders must role model valuing differences. This session will examine how you can succeed.

Do’s and Don’ts for Effective Communication

We all know that excellent communication skills is one of the most critical aspects of good leadership. So why are so many leaders poor communicators? They learned communication through trial and error, they had poor role models along their own leadership paths, they never studied listening skills, only speaking skills, and they assumed people judge them by their intentions, not their actual words. In this session, you will review the most important practical tips for being a great communicator, pointers you can take back to your office and use the next day…

Five Techniques for Dealing with Difficult People

Throughout our careers, we all encounter difficult people – colleagues, customers, suppliers, vendors and, of course, managers. Too often we allow these people’s moods or idiosyncrasies to affect us or even control us. In this seminar you will review proven alternate strategies for coping with these challenging folks and still attaining your work objectives while retaining your sanity.

Leading at the Individual Level

The best leaders know that we can not lead other people effectively until we have first learned to lead ourselves. Unfortunately, too many leaders assume their skill at self-leadership, but they have not engaged sufficiently in self-care, in self-reflection, in gaining self-awareness, in pursuing continuous learning and in feeling and expressing gratitude. In this seminar, you will examine the keys to mastering leadership at the individual level, enabling you to be a more powerful leader of other people.

Leading Through Learning: Creating a Climate of Constant Learning

As Peter Senge originally wrote, true learning organizations promote the continuous teaching and practicing of five disciplines: Personal Mastery, Mental Models, Shared Vision, Team Learning and Systems Thinking. These disciplines lead to superior performance, improved quality, client delight and competitive advantage. In this seminar, you will learn the keys to creating a learning organization that benefits all stakeholders.

Leaving a Legacy

Wherever we work and for however long we work in one job, we leave a legacy. Most people never acknowledge this fact; they work at an organization until it’s time to move on to the next one, focusing on their own growth and advancement. At some point in our careers, however, we realize that regardless of our role, we can have a positive impact on our work culture, environment and results – we can walk out saying “This organization is better because I worked here.” Together, we will analyze how ro make this happen.

Moving from Administrator to Executive

To grow in our careers, we must change the focus from things to people, from tasks to relationships. This seminar will help you engage in concrete career planning, identifying goals, strengths and areas for improvement. You will emerge with an action plan based upon self-reflection and intentionality, one designed to move you forward along your unique professional path.

Moving from Time Management to Life Management

Time management courses have proliferated during the past 25 years, but almost all focus on becoming more efficient – doing more in less time. During this seminar, you will learn about the paradigm shift from “time management to life management.” You will discover a strategy for being more effective at work and at home, motivating you to strive for greater balance on a daily basis.

Motivating Your Team When the Well Runs Dry

There are myriad reasons why leaders may not be positioned to reward employees financially – budget cuts, salary freezes, delays, poor economic results or reductions in force. In these circumstances, you must know what motivates your team members. Most studies reveal that money is far down on the list. In this seminar, you will learn how to keep employees motivated even in tough times.

Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

Stephen Covey wrote the best-selling business book of all time. In this session you will learn the secrets to implementing these life-changing habits at home and at the office. You will appreciate the inside-out process of moving from the Private Victory to the Public Victory and and receive tips on becoming a more effective leader, manager, colleague, parent, spouse and friend.

Sharpening the Saw: We Can Excel on the Job AND at Home

Many training courses advocate working harder to achieve greater results, but the secret to true success is working smarter, both in our personal and professional lives. In this session, you will explore how to balance effectiveness in all four dimensions of your life: physical, mental, social/emotional and spiritual.

Succeeding as a Non-Lawyer in a Lawyer’s World

Non-lawyers are usually in the minority in law firms and agencies, often operating in a hierarchical culture and being perceived as “second-class citizens.” How can they succeed while interacting with attorneys who are frequently introspective, deadline-driven, and lacking in communication or management training? This seminar will explore the skills and attitude needed to succeed as a non-lawyer in that lawyer world, focusing on practical strategies for both the short term and long term.

Taking Your Leadership Journey

In order to become true leaders, we need to do more than read books, listen to lectures or watch TEDtalks. We need to embark upon a journey of self-exploration to reach our full leadership potential. Unfortunately, we rarely have a “road map” or GPS for our own growth. In this seminar, you will explore the ancient journey of self-growth, from secure and familiar into the unfamiliar and mysterious, then back again to return and transformation.

Team Building: The Key to Our Success in the Workplace

Leaders who achieve the most success for their organizations know that the number one key is building a true team culture, one in which team members feel accountable to each other, not just to the leader. Teams possessing high trust cultures, personal and collective responsibility, loyalty to the team and to the mission and the knowledge that everyone is valued as a person first and an employee second, can achieve amazing results. Find out how to build strong teams in this interactive workshop based on proven strategies.

The Job of a Leader is to Develop Other Leaders

Many leaders receive the ultimate satisfaction when they see employees they have mentored, trained and coached grow into leadership positions themselves. These enlightened leaders perceive their jobs as “people farmers,” providing sustenance to team members they identify as high-potential leaders of the future. How can we develop other leaders within our midst? This workshop will give you the tools to develop other leaders.

The Proven Power of Coaching

Thousands of organizations across the globe have learned that coaching helps leaders grow, feel more engaged and be more productive, but it can also help them achieve their high-priority goals.

See improved team functioning*
See higher employee engagement*
Enjoy increased productivity*
Have faster onboarding*
See faster leadership development*

*According to Human Capital Institute (HCI) and the International Coach Federation (ICF)

Higher rating in employing the best people, developing employees and retaining their top talent**

**According to a Bersin by Deloitte research study